Coming Together in Verse - release date
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Contributors include (in no particular order), myself (Ashley R Lister), Alessia
Brio, Victoria Blisse, Rachel Woe, Janine Ashbless, Liz Honeywell, AJ Chilson,
Roy Clements, Katy J, Ashe Barker, Lisa Bower, PJ Bayliss, Geneva Rose, Jay
Willowbay, Slave Nano, Lily Harlem, Kay Jaybee, KD Grace, Norbert Gora, IG
Fredrick, Jade A Waters, Adrea Kore, Bella Settarr, Okami No Koga, Daniel
Davis, Joanna Harrington-Cruise, Sophia Sophia, Le Petite Mortimer, Eleanor
Meadows, Angell Brooks, L Hollamby, Blacksilk, CA Bell, Ian Jade, Tamsin
Flowers, Ruby Red, Colin Davies, Desmond Field, Rachel McGladdery. I'd like to take a moment here to thank each of them for the generous submission of quality work to this incredible anthology.
As soon as the book is available to order, I’ll be letting
you know more about it. I’m also hoping to share recordings from some of the contributors,
so that you can hear how good they are, and so that you get a taste of the top
quality writing that’s gone into this collection.
And, if you’re wanting to hear one of my poems from this
collection, here’s a link to me reading ‘The Ballad of Poor Simple Dave’ whilst
I was at Smut Manchester last year.