Writing Ideas
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
by Ashley Lister
They say that one of the most frightening things a writer
can encounter is a blank page. I’m not sure this is 100% true. I’m a writer and, given the choice between a dark
cellar full of spiders or a blank page, I’m happy to have that blank page every
time. It would be the same answer if someone asked me if I’d like to stare at a
blank page or listen to someone dragging their fingernails down a chalkboard. I
would happily opt for the blank page.

Please don’t think this is altruistic behaviour on my part.
I’ve written a book, How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published
and, if you’re interested in writing short fiction, I’d dearly love you to buy
a copy. The book is based on knowledge
and experience I’ve accrued from fifteen years of teaching creative writing, and
from twenty-five years of being a published author, and from the research I
conducted whilst acquiring my PhD in creative writing. If you want to write
short fiction, I want you to buy a copy of the book.
One way I find useful for breaking the spell of the blank
page is to write a simple haiku. For those unfamiliar with the form, a haiku is
a three-line poem, based loosely on our interpretation of the Japanese form
which contains seventeen ‘on’ or ‘morae’. Here in the West we’ve
interpreted that to translate as syllables and the lines are split into a
syllable count of 5-7-5. For example:
a new story world
sits beyond the white screen of
each new document
sits beyond the white screen of
each new document
The values of writing a haiku are immeasurable as a warm-up
exercise prior to writing something longer. This is like a runner stretching
before a marathon, or a musician going through scales before performing with an
orchestra. No one expects other professional artists to jump straight into
being creative, so why should it be different for writers?
Write a haiku before you start each morning. It could be
something fun to describe the weather (it’s raining again / just like it did
yesterday / and the day before) or you could use it summarise the plot you’re
working on or a particular character you want to write about or just say
something about the environment in which you’re working (a fat little dog /
sits heavily on my lap / his head on my arm).

So, before you start writing, take a couple of minutes to
create a haiku, just to loosen your writing muscles. It gets you thinking about
words in a different way, it helps diminish the dread of the blank page, and it
helps to keep the blade of your creativity razor sharp. And remember, if you
want even more useful advice on How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published, don’t forget to order a copy of my book.
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