The Short Story
Saturday, 13 July 2019

“Short stories are tiny windows into other worlds and
other minds and other dreams. They are journeys you can make to the far side of
the universe and still be back in time for dinner.”
Neil Gaiman
I’m reiterating
Neil Gaiman’s words, above, because I think they say so much about the charm of
the short story. Short stories are not only a second cousin to poetry; they are
not simply an exercise in the skill and craft of producing tautly written
fiction: they are also brief enough to be enjoyed over a short period time.
Edgar Allan Poe
described the impact of this brevity as a unity of effect:
“If any
literary work is too long to be read at one sitting, we must be content to
dispense with the immensely important effect derivable from unity of
impression—for, if two sittings be required, the affairs of the world
interfere, and everything like totality is at once destroyed.”
Edgar Allan Poe
I believe this is
true. When our reading is interrupted by the need to eat, sleep, drink or
communicate with others, the storyworld in which we have been immersed is
abandoned. The mood, tone and immediacy of the story are lost. Which is why
short stories can have a more startling impact than the longer narratives found
in novels.
All of which is
mentioned because I have a book coming out later this year: How to Write ShortStories and Get Them Published. I’ve loved short stories since I was first able
to read. I’ve written more than 100 and my PhD was based around the notion that
there is a relationship between plot and genre in short fiction.
Over the coming
months I’m going to be blogging about some of my favourite short stories, some
of the techniques that are found in short fiction, some ideas for inspiration,
and other areas of interest for those who enjoy reading and/or writing short
fiction. If this sounds like something that will be of interest, please tell
your friends, and make sure you keep coming back to see the updated content.
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