Coming Together - Logos by Lisabet Sarai

Monday 23 November 2015

Earlier this year I finally got a chance to meet the author, poet and all round legend, Lisabet Sarai. Not only is she a fantastic writer but it also turns out she's a truly lovely person.

Lisabet has poetry in Coming Together in Verse and she's been gracious enough to record herself reading Logos, a deliciously erotic piece of poetry. The book is officially released later this week but, for now, sit back and relax and enjoy this taster from the collection read by its author.

You can find it on CreateSpace at this link:

And you can find it on SmashWords here:

Contributors include: myself (Ashley R Lister), Alessia Brio, Victoria Blisse, Rachel Woe, Janine Ashbless, Liv Honeywell, AJ Chilson, Roy Clements, Katy J, Ashe Barker, Lisa Bower, PJ Bayliss, Geneva Rose, Jay Willowbay, Slave Nano, Lily Harlem, Kay Jaybee, KD Grace, Norbert Gora, IG Fredrick, Jade A Waters, Adrea Kore, Bella Settarr, Okami No Koga, Daniel Davis, Joanna Harrington-Cruise, Sophia Sophia, Le Petite Mortimer, Eleanor Meadows, Angell Brooks, L Hollamby, Blacksilk, CA Bell, Ian Jade, Tamsin Flowers, Ruby Red, Colin Davies, Desmond Field, Rachel McGladdery.

Please, if you get a chance, buy your copy today.

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